Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Support the Chins In Camden, NJ

Who are we?
My name is Trevor Chin and I serve as Worship and Creative Arts Director.  My passion is to see Christ glorified through Christ-centered worship with Christ-centered musicians and singers. I am intentional about writing articles on Christ-centered, culturally relavent worship for the covenant community and the worship team, continuing to teach why worship is such a big deal, not only in our context, but in every context. I have the great joy and privilage of calling Melissa my wife,  who is also apart of the worship team. I have a Bachelors degree in Bible and Science and a Bachelors degree in Social Work, and am currently completing my Masters of Arts and Religion at Reformed Theological Seminary.

Why Camden?

The fact is, Camden is in desperate need of a true gospel witness. Through the Father’s eternal plan, the Son’s magnificent cross-work, and the Holy Spirit’s power, we aim to invade the darkness of the city with a full orbed gospel mission.  More importantly, the word of God compels us to move forward in this endeavor.  As the city of Camden now loses its entire police force, beats the record for most murders, and is under the influence of a violent and thug-driven culture, Camden has been darkened to the gospel in recent decades. Camden needs the gospel. Period. 
My question is, WHY NOT CAMDEN? 

Why Epiphany Fellowship of Camden

I am currently locked in and serving full time on staff at Epiphany Fellowship of Camden as the Worship & Creative Arts Director. (epiphanycamden.org) The ruggedness of the inner-city makes it very easy for people to become isolated and disconnected. The Church not only proclaims the Gospel, it provides community, a welcoming people who embrace one another with the love of Christ. At Epiphany Fellowship of Camden there are several ways to begin to explore biblical community and to connect with others through, hanging out, lunches, and our various neighborhood gatherings.  However, our primary expressions are our weekly worship gathering, Discipleship Groups and Community Groups. Jesus uses his church to make the invisible church visible, and to strengthen the believers. The local church is essential to the believer! 

  • Our Desire:
  • ·      Lost young adults passionate about Christ
  • ·      People in our target area walking to church
  • ·      The Church of Jesus Christ regaining community credibility and impacting the overall Kingdom of Christ
  • ·      Solid and Relevant Bible teaching being applied to the lives of disciples on a grass roots level
  • ·      Culturally Relevant, Christ-centered worship
  • ·      The lives of those impacted becoming irresistible influences where they live and dwell
  • ·      Hitting the Streets and engaging the Culture

My desire is to raise full support for my salary so my wife and I can remain on mission at Epiphany Fellowship of Camden; On the block, for the city, showing off the glory of Christ! 

1. Share with your friends, family, and church about our endeavors to remain on mission in the city
2. Follow us on twitter (www.twitter.com/chinsincamden)
3. If you feet led, donate financial support to our mission. You can write a check and send it to:

Epiphany Fellowship of Camden
(Trevor Chin)
P.O. Box 465
Camden, NJ 08103


You can donate through Epiphany Fellowship of Camden  by clicking the link below! 

Click button, and follow the instruction 


I praise God for you and look forward to hearing from you!
-Trevor & Melissa Chin

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