Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Book Bag Drive!

On August 25th we partnered with one of our beloved partner churches, Covenant Doylestown, for our second annual Bookbag Drive.  We recognize the felt needs of such a poor, hurting city, so at our Bookbag Drive, we wanted to aid the families in our local neighborhood of Fairview with bookbags and clothing for kids as they go back to school, while also providing them with food during a cookout for the block after the giveaway.  We served and prayed for kids, drug addicts, Muslims and single moms, all of whom have now heard and been impacted by the Gospel, and consider that day a great day in their life and time on the block.  

It was a great day for engagement...As I was walking down the block, telling folk to come get some food and book bags, I ran into a young man that was sitting on his steps. When I told him that we were giving out book bags, he asked how much? I told him, "man don't even worry about it, just come down, grab you a book bag and a plate for you and the family." He looked at me and told me that he had 4 kids, his girlfriend, who was the mother of his kids, was murdered earlier this year to senseless violence, and he did not know how he was going to feed his family today and surely didn't know how he was going to get them school supplies. He was so overwhelmed and couldnt believe 'the church' would do something like this without making us go to service first. 

 When you hear stories like this, it gives such an encouragement. Epiphany Fellowship of Camden gives not trying to lure someone in to church, or trick them into membership to show off numbers, but to show off the love of Jesus, give freely, and build relationship. 

Continue to pray for the Chin's in Camden, that we may be the salt and light to a city that thinks they have no hope. Pray that the gospel would go forth clear and Jesus is proclaimed in our city, giving them hope not in the city, but hope in Jesus Christ. Thank you guys again!

Support the Chin's on the right side of the page, if you feel led, click donate, and it will take you directly to our pay-pal page. This will also be tax deductible for the end of the year. Thank you all. 

Grace and Peace,

Trevor & Melissa Chin

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